Hello! We are Jess and Rorie, and we’re on a trip. More of a journey, really, or a long jaunt.

Bells Canyon trail, Salt Lake City, UT

We used to live in New York City, and both of us lived there for a loooong time (13 years for Jess and 10 for Rorie). That’s long enough to be considered “real” New Yorkers!

While we loved the city, it turns out we both wanted to escape back to something a little less…made of concrete. After growing up in the west (Jess is from an island off the coast of Seattle, and Rorie is from Salt Lake City Utah), we both needed to say goodbye to the craziness of NYC.


So, with plans to quit our jobs, leave our apartment, and get rid of most of our stuff, we figured this was the perfect time for an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime journey! And here we are. We started in New York and worked our way west across the USA, heading to Asia from there. The goal is to circumnavigate the world in a year or so, but the final timing is yet to be determined. We’re glad you’re here to see a piece of our journey, and we hope you enjoy the blog!

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