Check out our travels so far by clicking through the carousel under the map:


    • Beach Time on the Islands of Naxos and Paros and an Ending (8/3/2018) - After traipsing the Greek mainland to visit various historical and archaeological sights, we figured it was time to treat ourselves (errr….Jess) with a bit of the glamorous side of Greece: its islands. In doing so, however, we wanted to avoid the most popular (and expensive) Greek islands (most notably, Santorini […]
    • A Boozy Olympiad in the Peloponnese (7/19/2018) - It’s not controversial to say that Greece is a popular tourist spot. Makes sense. The interesting thing is that it seems to be a somewhat narrow type of tourism, with people mostly spending time in Athens and the islands (and even then, it’s usually just a couple famous islands). Since […]
    • Cliff-Perched Monasteries and Ancient History in Meteora and Delphi (7/11/2018) - After picking up our rental car from Athens (a brand-new car, but still a manual transmission, which once again meant that Rorie would be taking on all of the driving in Greece), we set off north toward Meteora, a fantastic-looking natural area with monasteries perched on the top of sheer […]
    • Athens, Greece – A Gritty, NYC-Esque City…With Thousands of Years of History (7/5/2018) - Throughout our travels it has been jarring to change countries – new languages, cultures, currency and other idiosyncrasies which often unveil themselves over time. Landing in Athens, Greece in the early evening, however, was weird in that it was a totally different experience – we were immediately enveloped in familiarity. […]
    • Desert Dreaming, Desert Leaping in Wadi Rum (6/30/2018) - From Petra we headed a couple hours south into Wadi Rum, the large and well-known red sand desert that has been the setting for films such as Star Wars, The Martian, and Lawrence of Arabia (not to mention the real-life location of the latter, as we would soon come to […]
    • Petra, Jordan – Hiking a Wonder of the World (6/24/2018) - After over a week in Jordan, we were finally ready to go see its main attraction and one of the 7 wonders of the world: Petra! To get there, we began by driving several hours south along the Desert Highway, which is a fairly descriptive name for this stretch of […]
    • From Desert Hiking (Dana Nature Reserve) to Canyons and Saltiness (Dead Sea) in Jordan (6/19/2018) - As you can probably gather from the title, the few days covered by this post will have a little bit of everything. On our way from Amman to Dana Nature Reserve, we stopped to visit Kerak, which is another historic castle that is apparently larger and more significant than the […]
    • Welcome to Jordan During Ramadan: Amman and Jerash (6/15/2018) - After a month of traipsing around the U.S. during our unexpected detour, we finally set out for the next stop in our travels – Jordan – via an overnight flight from NYC (connecting through Ukraine on its national airline, which folks should avoid at all costs). We finally arrived in […]
    • A Weekend in Dubai: On to a New Continent! (6/12/2018) - After saying goodbye to us in Borneo, my parents headed east around the world to hit Angkor Wat in Cambodia and Beijing in China before returning home to Seattle. Meanwhile, Rorie and I continued west around the world and left Asia, our home for the past seven-ish months. Our destination […]
    • Visiting Nature Lodges and Avoiding Flying Leeches in Borneo (5/29/2018) - After a couple of days visiting animal conservatories and other sights around Sandakan, Malaysia, we took our first foray into the “wild” side of Borneo by heading to a lodge on the Kinabatangan River. This was our first of three jungle lodge spots on our Borneo tour, each of which […]